Thursday, July 27, 2006

Major Michael Mori writes to GetUp members

Dear friends,

Standing up for the basic right to a fair trial is what GetUp's campaign to repatriate Australian David Hicks is all about. The tide is turning and tens of thousands of us are making waves: nearly 40,000 people have signed the letter of demand so far.

With this support, we've been busy ramping up the pressure on the Australian Government, and we wanted to share how the actions of so many GetUp members are being noticed around the world.

On Thursday, GetUp published full-page advertisements in major national and metropolitan newspapers calling on the Government to take action. We then assembled a press conference with a diverse alliance of community leaders to voice why they believe David Hicks should be brought home. These events received widespread local, national and international media coverage.

At the press conference, Catholic Bishop Kevin Manning said: "When Australia fails to act to guarantee the human rights of one of its citizens, then we are all diminished."

But the politicians still don't get it. In response to our campaign, Attorney-General Philip Ruddock issued his same tired and discredited response: that David Hicks cannot be tried in Australia. So we asked David Hicks' US military lawyer, Major Michael Mori, to post a blog on GetUp's website outlining why he believes his client has been abandoned by the Australian Government (read and respond to him here).

Allowing politicians to do away with our most basic rights is dangerous and unacceptable. If you haven't already, please add your name to this important call now and share it with others. There's also a note you can use at the bottom of this email if you like.

Thank you for being part of this,
The GetUp team

Click here to access the Get Up site to add your name to the campaign.

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