I have received the following message from the Get-up team organising the petition to protest proposed amendments to the Migration Act:
"Dear friends,
It's crunch time. This week, Parliament is scheduled to decide
whether to throw out our existing refugee laws to suit Indonesia or
whether to stand firm for chidren and human rights.
In a rare moment in Australian politics, representatives from every
major party in the country stood together last Wednesday to receive
your 32,000-strong GetUp petition to stop this legislation. They have
told us they urgently need more support to stand firm in these final
days. Can you help us get to 50,000 signatures before the final vote
this week?
Click here to sign the petition.
The stakes are high. Remarkably, a Government-controlled Senate
Committee has recommended this law be rejected entirely, or at least
seriously amended. Politicians from all the major parties - including
10 Coalition backbenchers - now have serious concerns. But in order
for these decision-makers to stay strong, they urgently need a
groundswell display of public support.
At this crucial moment, please spread the word to friends, family and
colleagues that our actions right now will make a difference. You'll
find a note below you can use if you like.
Thanks for being part of this,
The GetUp team"
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