Monday, October 24, 2005

Appalling decision to execute Nguyen Tuong Van

I do not usually digress from the key theme of this blog, ie. the Australian Government's egregious approach to asylum seekers.

Today, however, I am posting part of an email I sent the Singapore High Commission this morning calling for the sentence to execute Nguyen Tuong Van to be commuted:

"I am writing to register my anger at the decision of your Government to execute Van Tuong Nguyen, an Australian citizen, despite the clearly articulated mitigating circumstances in his case.

I am a long-time opponent of the death penalty in any circumstances, because I believe members of a society demean themselves by tolerating acts of barbarism in the name of justice.

This cruel and inhumane punishment is applied regularly in Singapore, and I am hopeful that right minded people in Singapore and around the world will protest this barbarity."

Howard and Downer claim that nothing more can be done but that is not good enough in my book.

Mr Nguyen's lawyers have'nt given up
and I call on like minded readers to protest this decision by the Singaporean authorities.

The email address of the High Commission of Singapore in Canberra is:

The High Commission website is:

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